ampage Suggestion Box


Bill 7/27/102 7:01 pm 36 1
I just spent 2 1/2 hrs trying to find the Fender Pro Jr schematic and mod page @ this sight...what happend to it? Now that I have finally bought one, I can't find ANYThING about this amp @ this sight any more!

8/8/102 7:54 pm 9 1
how can you use a cassette player as a temporary amp?

Michel 9/4/102 11:57 am 5 0
There is little about speakers, what are the best for vintage sound or heavy metal (Should be different ...),for guitar, bass, keyboards and voice, what kind of cabinets to use with. What about a new site showing all that ?
A french bassman, guitarist, singer and engineer

Jon 9/5/102 1:57 am 15 0
I would love to see some plans for a wah pedal if anyone has it! ill check back sometime but it would of real use to me

Harley 10/2/102 4:22 am 13 2
Does anybody have the schematics for a
Systex Harmonic Energizer or device of similiar purpose?

10/9/102 3:40 am 10 2
Dear Sir,

You have an excellent site. keep up the good work. I was wondering if you had anything on bass guitar tube amplifiers or not (Fender in particular). thank you for everything.

Jon Windhorst 1/12/103 7:32 pm 21 2
What ever happened to good ole solid state. I am looking for a solid state guitar amp kit. 20 to 30 watts. All of those kit guys from the 80's are gone. Some one help me please.


ampage Suggestion Box