ampage Suggestion Box


John Doe 5/22/99 6:17 am 34 31
How about putting a little note at the top of the Suggestion Box page that says "This is a Suggestion Box. That means it's for suggestions.If you have a comment or a tech question, please post it on our handy Tech Bulletin Board (BBS)". Just an idea.

5/6/99 6:58 am 62 44
Wouldn't it be a good idea for dedicated guitarists to change gear wars to a quality discussion site to focus on the amps and not mindless insults

anakroyd 5/1/99 8:33 am 22 39
I' m happy if i'll see some tube compressor schematics and a little newsgroup on it

Newcomer 4/27/99 6:14 pm 7 29
we need a site that lists specs for triad and Schumacher transformers. What is the turns ratio? How much filament current draw [both 5v. and 6.3v.].

BJB 4/23/99 4:27 am 44 61
Anyone for putting "Gear Wars" out of its misery?

Ronny Lee 2/20/99 1:07 am 99 10
I suggest that uptight idiots with no sense of humor stay off the opinion polls and get jobs with the government. Humor makes all the other crap in life a bit easier to handle. Lighten up a little bit, your blood pressure will thank you. Remember -- "the blues is alright--as long as you don't get 'em"

Looking for a decent guitarists site 2/17/99 6:59 am 37 51
It's way past time the idiots got off this site with their stupid rude and immature remarks particularly the jerks who talk about monkeys, light bulbs, the three stooges etc.


ampage Suggestion Box